  • Objective of SurveySpeaks

Our researches helps in:

Before designing a survey, you must figure out the objective of carrying this out so that the survey can be structured, planned, and executed to perfection. There is a purpose why an organization must conduct survey research. Few questions that need to be on your mind while designing a survey are:

  • Establish social relatonships and solves social problems.
  • Collecting answers regarding specific, essential questions.
  • Facilitates scientific, methodology and logical thinking of all.
  • Solving various operational and planning problems of business and industry.
  • Enhance social research and demographics such as data collection or knowledge
  • Forms the fundamental base on which the economic and legislative policies can be built.
  • Formulating effective strategies for human resources, operations and business development in an Establishment.

We can ask these questions in multiple formats as per the target audience and the intent of the survey.

  • Advantage of SurveySpeaks

Our surveys are used for specific research that is beneficial for obtaining useful, reliable data or insights that can be used to improve an organization's ROI. Major advantage of our survey are,

  • Easy analysis and visualizations
  • Minimum investment
  • High representativeness
  • Good statistical significance
  • Broad range of data collection
  • Easy to build and implement strategiest
  • Versatile sources for feedback collection
  • Reliable analysis, insights and reports for decision making
  • Process of our Survey Research

Our research process is a step by step process of developing a research paper. As you progress from one step to the next. It is commonly necessary to backup, revise, edit material or even change your topic completely. We focus on understanding your decisions, providing clear action and predefined guidance.

We emphasize the following Process:

Understand survey requirement:

We focuses on the variables that have produced the stated management problem or opportunity. We understand your requirement according to your business and industry to ensure a proper assessment of your greatest challenges.

Define survey questions

We formalize survey questions and issues which keeps the research and insights relevant.

Proper method application

Which type of survey we choose depends on the sample size and location or any specific requirements, as well as the focus of the research. We align questions to the proper research and statistical method to ensure we can take the right decision.

Distribution of the survey

Before start, we create a clear plan for where, when, how, and with whom we will conduct the survey. We determine in advance how many responses we require and how we will gain access to the sample.

Data Collection and processing

We use a data collection technique appropriate to the particular research methodology. We validate the data collection process by contacting a percentage of the respondents to verify that they were actually interviewed. Data editing and cleaning involves the process of checking for inadvertent errors in the data.

Analysis of survey results

We use several methods of analysing survey results. We assigning labels into categories or themes and statistical analysis etc. We use various tools and technologies to provide basic and advanced multivariate analysis for a broad classification of statistical techniques.

Submission of Survey report

We deliver a comprehensive report focused around answering all your questions and supporting your decision making. We summarize the key results from our analysis.